Hair Care and Makeup in Pregnancy

Depending on the changing hormone levels, some expectant mothers may experience skin dryness, itching and lubrication. In such cases, it would be appropriate to take a break from make-up, to do regular skin cleansing and to use a mineral filter sunscreen in order to reduce the formation of stains with appropriate moisturizers.

If you ask how is the situation in hair dyeing during pregnancy, retrospective cases and animal experiments are used, since prospective and controlled studies cannot be conducted on this subject. In the literature, no case of a baby born with a birth defect thought to have been caused by the mother's dyeing of hair at any time during pregnancy has not been reported, and in animal experiments, no birth defects or problems in pregnancy were encountered in the babies of animals treated with hair dye.

For this reason, in the light of scientific studies, it can be said that there is no known and proven harm to the mother or the baby during any period of pregnancy. However, if you still have concerns about this, you can postpone it until after the first 3 months. The substances in hair dye can only be absorbed from the scalp, not from the hair. Therefore, during hair dyeing, the application should be made in a way that it comes into contact with the scalp as little as possible. Moreover, the chemicals in hair dyes that can be absorbed by the scalp are very few.

Another issue is whether organic dyes are more suitable. Although it is called organic, chemical substances are used in the content of all hair dyes. (P-phenylenediamine, dihydroxybenzene and aminophehol are examples of these substances.) Therefore, using these dyes, which are available in the market under the name of organic, will not make much difference.

There is no known harm in applying henna to the hair in line with the current scientific data. Perm and permanent hair straightening methods should not be applied during pregnancy as they may be harmful due to the substances they contain.
If you are going to do the hair coloring yourself, apply the dye in a well-ventilated environment, wearing gloves. Do not keep it longer than the normal time and rinse your scalp well with plenty of water.
As a result, how you feel during pregnancy is very important. You do not need to stay in an unfamiliar, unwell appearance during pregnancy or to neglect all kinds of care. However, despite all these data, you feel uneasy and if it will cause you to spend these 9 months in distress, you can postpone it until the end of the birth.

I say that there is no harm to the pregnant women I follow and that they can dye their hair at any time of pregnancy if they want, and they can put on make-up if they do not have skin problems.
