The gestation period is 280 days from the first day of the last menstrual period. Since the exact day of ovulation is not known, we physicians calculate the gestation period according to the first day of the last menstrual period. Since we accept a gestational week as 7 days, the gestation period is calculated as 40 weeks by dividing 280 days by 7. The 9 months and 10 days rhetoric among the people is also true. 9X30 + 10 = 280 days. Estimated delivery time is calculated according to the first day of the last menstrual period. If you add 7 days to the first day of the last menstrual period and go back 3 months, the estimated date of birth is determined.
1. week
In the first week of pregnancy, it is the body's preparation process for pregnancy. During this period, the egg sac (follicle) containing the egg cell begins to grow and prepares the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) for the embryo that will come and settle here by secreting the hormone estrogen. With a mechanism triggered by the brain, the egg cell cracks and is thrown into the abdominal cavity.
2. week
The 10th and 16th days after the first day of menstruation are the periods when the woman has the highest chance of conceiving. If pregnancy is planned, couples should have intercourse every day or every other day, especially these days. In each menstrual period, couples have a 20% chance of conceiving. Therefore, if pregnancy does not occur in the first month of being together, we recommend that couples continue to be together without disturbing their morale. The egg sac, which develops on the 14th day on average, cracks and the egg cell inside comes out into the abdominal cavity of the mother, and then it is caught by the tube and taken into the tube. The egg has only 12-24 hours to fertilize. If fertilization occurs (merging of two cells and starting to multiply as a single cell), the first stage of pregnancy is passed. The egg contains only one sperm. If your partner's sperm with an X chromosome fertilizes your egg cell, your child will be a girl, and if a sperm with a Y chromosome fertilizes it, it will be a boy. That is, the genetic sex is determined at the time of fertilization. If fertilization does not occur, the egg dies, followed by the next menstrual bleeding. Unlike in multiple pregnancies, two or three eggs are released from the ovaries. If all of these eggs are fertilized, twins or triplets will develop. During this period, the expectant mother is not aware of her pregnancy as she has not felt any change yet.
Three weeks
Our baby is born! The miracle begins…
As soon as the journey from the Fallopian tube into the uterus continues, cellular proliferation begins immediately after the genetic fusion is complete. With this proliferation, the microscopic appearance of the new living thing, which was previously composed of a single cell, also changes. The structure that emerges as a result of proliferation in the form of 2, 4, 8, 16 cells is called morula (“mulberry”) due to its microscopic appearance. The creature, which has reached the morula stage, has almost reached the uterus.
4. Week
The living residue that reaches the inner layer of the uterus while in the morula stage is called the blastocyst. When this group of cells that will form your baby comes to the inner layer of the uterus, it finds the most perfect place for itself and settles here at the beginning of this week. In most cases, the most perfect location is the upper part of the posterior wall of the uterus where vascularization is best. If you have bleeding for a few days or for a short period of time, as if you are menstruating, do not worry because sometimes the placenta, which grows and develops into the uterus, can rupture the small vessels in the uterus and cause a slight dripping bleeding. This bleeding, which is defined as "seeing over" among the people, can sometimes be perceived as the expected period.
On average 8 days after fertilization, the cell group that will differentiate to form the placenta on the outer part of the cell ball begins to produce a hormone called hcg (human chorionic gonadotropin) and secrete it into the blood. This hormone can be detected in blood and urine, and pregnancy tests allow to detect this substance in blood or urine. You can clarify your pregnancy according to the result by taking a pregnancy test or applying it at home. When the urine pregnancy test is negative, the result may not be very reliable. Because these tests may not give a positive result before the beta HCG hormone, which passes from the blood to the urine, reaches a certain level. Although the negative results of urine tests are not very reliable, the positive findings have very high accuracy rates. Pregnancy tests in blood give definite results from the first day of pregnancy. If your test is positive, you should call your doctor and talk to him about other periods of your pregnancy and get information.
After the implantation is completed in the uterus, the embryo continues to develop in the inner layer of the uterus. As hard as it may be, within 10 days your little bean's heartbeat will begin. Another structure that is very important in early embryo development is the yolk sac. This multi-vascular structure is surrounded by nutrient-rich fluid and carries this fluid to the embryo until the placenta begins to do its job. It is also where the first blood cells are made and the reproductive cells originate. A part of the yolk sac will be pocketed towards the embryo and will initiate the formation of the digestive system.
If you get your period at the end of this week, never ask "When will I get pregnant?" don't worry. In an unprotected cycle (menstrual cycle), a woman's chance of conceiving is only 25%. After the first few attempts, women often get this anxiety and rush to the doctor. Every woman's "rate" of getting pregnant is different, and we doctors usually initiate some tests when you can't conceive despite having regular intercourse for 12 months (6 months for older people).
5. Week
The embryo in your womb is growing at a rapid pace. His body now consists of three layers – ectoderm (inner skin), mesoderm (middle skin), endoderm (outer skin) – these will later form the forms of organs and tissues.
The Neural Tube (Neural Tract), where your baby's brain, spinal cord, spine and nerves will sprout, begins to develop in the top layer called the ectoderm. This layer also provides the development of its skin, hair, nails, breast, sweat glands and tooth enamel. The heart and circulatory system begin to form in the middle layer, the mesoderm. (Even this week, your baby's tiny heart begins to divide into chambers, beat and pump blood.) Mesoderm also shapes your baby's muscle, cartilage, bone and subcutaneous tissues. The third layer, the endoderm, shapes your baby's organs such as lungs, intestines, underdeveloped urinary system, liver, thyroid and pancreas. The lungs, intestines and urinary tract will develop in this section.
At the same time, while these are happening in the development of the baby, changes and new formations occur in the placenta. Tissue and cord ligament functions called chorion villus, which will feed the baby and help the oxygen reach the baby, have also started.
There are still no major changes in the mother during these weeks. Some early pregnancy symptoms such as morning tiredness, nausea (and sometimes vomiting), craving (appetite changes), darkening of the nipples and tightness of the breast, and frequent urination may begin to appear gradually.
6. Week
This week, your baby's heartbeat starts. It even becomes visible with ultrasonography. The respiratory and digestive systems begin to develop and limb buds appear. Since the legs are broken at the knee in the embryo, when measuring the length of the embryo by ultrasonography, only the head-rump distance is measured without taking the legs into account. In this week, the embryo is 2-5 mm. The embryo, which is completely in the amniotic sac, now has a three-dimensional and complex structure at this point.
The placenta continues to develop rapidly. However, it provides the continuation of pregnancy and 10-12. The secretion of this hormone called progesterone, which is obtained from the ovary, from the placenta has not started until the second week. The supply of this hormone from the placenta takes approximately 10-12 days. It starts weeks later.
As the level of hormones secreted during pregnancy increases, your complaints of nausea may become more pronounced throughout the day, especially in the morning. As noted last week, you may crave some foods, and you may feel nauseous even remembering the names of others. Some expectant mothers may become uncomfortable with the smell of perfumes, the smell of certain foods, and in rare cases, even the smell of their own spouses. You should know that these are normal and temporary.
7. Week
At the end of this week of pregnancy, the development of your baby, which is 10-12 millimeters long, begins to accelerate. The head forms 1/3 of the entire length of the embryo. The cerebellum, which would control balance, also began to form in the back of the head. In the 5th week, the two lobes of the brain began to become evident. This good cerebral hemisphere will form the largest part of the brain and will acquire numerous functions from thought to speech, vision, hearing, movement and memory. On both sides of the forebrain, the structure that we call the optic sac, which will form the eyes in the future, began to appear in the form of protrusions. Outlines of the eyepiece formed on it. Facial features began to appear together with the structure we call the pioneer mouth. The pigmentation that will form the eye color has already started. But we will have to wait a few months after birth to understand the baby's eye color.
The heart has an average of 105-120 beats per minute. The cells that regulate the heart rate settle in their original place in the right atrium of the heart this week. This structure will determine the heartbeat rhythm with the nerve impulses around it throughout life.
The respiratory system appeared in the form of 2 lung buds. Right and left main bronchus formed. Branching has begun to lung lobes, which are 3 on the right and 2 on the left in adults. This branching will increase in the next week, and after 12 weeks, the adult tree with 24 branches will have completed its structure. However, this branched tree structure will be the windpipe and mouth to the outside world.
The stomach, esophagus, pancreas and intestines continue to develop. Permanent kidneys appear this week. Next to the kidneys are the reproductive organs, the ovaries. This will form the ovaries in the girl and the testicles in the boy, and they will migrate to their adult place. The embryo still has a small tail. This is an extension of the backbone of the building. In a few weeks this queue will disappear
The first progenitor reproductive cells in the yolk sac settled in their original place in the ovaries. Since the placenta has not formed yet this week, the yolk sac still nourishes the embryo.
Some changes also begin to appear in the mother's body. Early pregnancy symptoms such as sleepiness, morning fatigue and craving develop. Your nipples become more prominent. Fullness and tension in the breasts increase. Constipation and indigestion may be accompanied by tension in the abdomen. Meanwhile, changes occur in the cervix. A slimy discharge (mucus plaque) closes the cervix and protects the inside of the uterus.
8. Week
Your baby's eyelids, auricle are forming and the tip of the nose can be seen. The eyes become more prominent and color (pigment) formation begins in the retina layer of the eye. The arms and legs are elongated and the arms appear bent at the elbow. The fingers and toes protrude from the palms and feet as bumps this week. Four chambers have formed in the heart and blood flow has started in the baby's body.
The intestines are still outside the abdomen in the form of an umbilical hernia. The trachea slowly begins to expand. The head appears to be quite large due to the rapid development of the brain. In your brain, nerve cells that shape the neural pathways begin to form and branch out.
Your baby's height is about 15 millimeters this week. The first body movements started towards the middle of last week. Your baby can even move his arms. Next week, his knee joints, wrists and ankles will also start to move. However, you can make these movements 16.-20. You will feel it within weeks.
The mother may also have cramp-like pains in the groin, in the lower parts of the abdomen, as a result of the contraction of the growing and growing uterus from time to time. Hormonal changes, especially the rise of your progesterone, can make you even more exhausted.
9. Week
Our baby's bone structure is starting to take shape. At this time, your baby has reached approximately 2-3 cm in length and an average of 2-3 g in weight. Almost all of your baby's organs, muscles and nervous system are nearing completion. His eyes are fully formed, but his eyelids are now completely closed and will not open until 27 weeks. The eyelids take the shape of the eye, the nose becomes visible in profile. Right now, your baby's tiny earlobes, mouth, nose, and nostrils are all in place, just a little far apart. Your baby's arm, leg and body movements can be seen under ultrasound.
When this week is reached, although there are minor changes, the adoption and adaptation to pregnancy has been completed. Preparations for getting used to motherhood begin. However, in some pregnant women, there may be nausea and vomiting, which is called hyperemesis and sometimes requires drug and serum treatment.
With the end of the 9th week of pregnancy, the fetal period begins. From this week on, the baby is now called a fetus. It accelerates the development of the placenta and provides the necessary nutrients for your baby.
Head-butt length is 3-4 cm, weight is about 5-6 grams. At the end of this week, the fingers and toes are fully distinguishable. The eyelids are fused and 25-27. It stays that way for weeks. External genital organs begin to appear, the outer ear and upper lip are completely formed. Your baby can swallow liquid now. All his vital organs such as kidneys, intestines, liver and brain formed and began to function. They will continue to develop throughout your pregnancy. His feet are now big enough to stand in front of his body. The outline of his spine is evident from his skin, and the spinal nerves are developing by extending from his spinal cord.
11. Week
The change in your baby's head-to-body ratio brings it pretty close to "normal" this week. When you know that your baby's sense of smell, taste and touch begins to form from the next week and that the external ear canal and eardrum are formed this week, you can easily conclude that he has started to contact the outside world.
He started sucking on his thumb and can now swallow the amniotic fluid around him. It can also grasp an object, tilt its head back and forth, open and close its jaws, move its tongue, stretch, and sigh. At the end of this week, your baby's height is 7 cm. and it weighs exactly 8 grams!
During these times, your nausea may have decreased a little and you may feel more energetic. You may experience lower back pain. However, constipation may have started to cause you some trouble (it happens because of hormonal changes that slow down digestion) and you may have burning in your stomach.
12. Week
All of the baby's organs are now formed. As of this week, the organs whose structure and functions have been determined begin to grow in volume. Your baby's head-rump length is 6-7 cm, and weight is 10-15 g. Your baby's reflexes are developing. He will now be able to open and close his fingers, start curling his toes, develop eye muscles and start sucking his mouth. . The amniotic fluid that the baby begins to swallow is absorbed by the intestines and begins to filter through the kidneys as urine.
His rapidly developing intestines will move from the umbilical cord to the abdominal cavity, and his kidneys will begin to secrete urine towards his bladder. This week, the placenta produces hormones.
13. Week
Almost all of the baby's organs have completed their formation. After that, for the remainder of the pregnancy, the baby will have time to complete the maturation needed to live in the outside world. The vocal cords have developed and the intestines have completely settled down. Your baby has developed many reflexes and has started to push your belly with a curling motion. In this period, although it is possible to get an idea of gender based on the position of the genital tubercle ("hill") in ultrasonography (upward in male infants, parallel to the body in female infants), most doctors prefer to wait until they can see the gender clearly.
The mother starts to feel energetic again with these weeks, because almost all the organs have completed their first adaptation to pregnancy and the mother feels very good. If you have not been able to gain weight due to nausea-vomiting, morning fatigue, etc., you will start to feel better and gain weight.
This is the last week of your first period (trimester), so your risk of miscarriage is reduced. Many couples have also noticed a significant increase in libido during this period. Even if you are months away from your birth, your breasts are already producing the milk on which your baby will be fed.
14. Week
Head-butt length is 8-11 cm, weight is about 90 gr. Ears come more forward and sideways from the back of the head. The nape becomes longer and the chin becomes more pronounced. The baby now has a fingerprint. It changes place by curling and straightening with external stimuli. Your baby may squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly even start sucking his thumb this week. Thanks to brain impulses, he can create small facial expressions and his face can change from one expression to another. Your baby's kidneys have started to produce urine. During this period, the baby leaves its urine in the water bladder surrounding it, and this continues until birth. She can even hold her pee now.
Your pregnancy hormones have reached their maximum level in this week of pregnancy and they do not increase any more. This means that your nausea and tiredness will disappear, and you will feel more comfortable.
15. Week
Your baby is approximately 10.15 cm when measured from head to bottom. as much. During this period, your baby's skin is quite thin. Veins can be seen under the skin. His hair and eyebrows are formed. He is currently dealing with transporting amniotic fluid from his nose to his upper respiratory system, which will help the air sacs in his lungs develop. The ears are still slightly lower than the actual placement but will soon complete the position. Development accelerates after this period. The skeletal and muscular system continues to develop, and the head, mouth, arms, elbows, hands, legs and feet move. Although his eyes are closed, he can perceive light.
This week, if our position is suitable, we can determine the gender of the baby. But it would be better to wait a little longer, especially if it's a baby girl.
16. Week
Head - bottom length of your baby is 10.75 – 11.5 cm, weight is 140 g. His legs have developed more, he can hold his head higher than before, and his eyes have gotten closer to his face. Foot and hand nails are fully formed
As the uterus grows and moves from the pelvic cavity to the abdominal cavity where the intestines travel, the pressure on the urinary bladder (bladder) decreases and the frequent urination seen in the first weeks begins to improve. After this week, there may be burning under the rib cage or in the stomach. These are due to the irritation of the acid in the stomach by escaping backwards towards the loosened esophagus.
Your baby's skeleton is starting to transform from soft cartilage to bone. Starting from this week, the process of storing calcium in your baby's bones accelerates. Therefore, it is extremely important to consume plenty of calcium-containing foods. Your baby will never be without calcium, but if you don't get enough calcium, your bone stores may decrease. Your baby's subcutaneous adipose tissue has started to fill up gradually. This oil will be used for temperature regulation of your baby after birth. While the fluid in which the baby floats initially occurs by leaking from the baby's skin and placenta - cord membranes, it now consists of fluids released from the lungs and urine excreted from the kidneys. This liquid is swallowed by your baby, passes through the lungs and gastrointestinal tract, and is thrown back into the bladder in the form of urine by the kidneys. As the pregnancy progresses, most of the liquid in which the child swims will be his own urine.
As your baby starts to gain weight and develop faster this week than in previous weeks, you will probably start to gain weight a little faster as well. Until this period, expectant mothers gain 2.5-5 kilograms on average. Now your pregnancy can be noticed from the outside. The relaxation in your joints continues to increase.
18. Week
This week, teeth began to form. He started to hear the sounds in his mother's body. He still changes positions very often because his place is very wide, he can cross his legs, he sucks his finger. It constantly changes its position, as if swimming in a pool of water.
The sense of taste develops; distinguish between bitter and sweet. Swallows and hiccups. The eyes settle in the front of the face, the retina begins to perceive light. It protects the eyes against the very strong light from the abdomen. Bones, still in the form of cartilage, begin to ossify. The first to ossify are the leg and collarbones. Ears take their last place. Inner ear bones and nerve endings begin to develop. Soon she will begin to hear the mother's heartbeat and the sounds of blood flowing through the umbilical cord. May be startled by loud noises.
If it's your first pregnancy, you'll start to feel baby movements early next week like a butterfly flapping its wings in your belly. Especially in mothers who have experienced their first pregnancy, movements may not be perceived until the 22nd week. The second trimester of pregnancy is the period when you will probably experience the lowest values in your life. This situation, which occurs due to increased blood flow to the baby and a general relaxation of blood vessels, may cause various complaints in you. Dizziness and fainting sensations due to low blood pressure during pregnancy can be considered normal. If these complaints do not occur frequently and do not result in a serious situation such as loss of consciousness, it is not expected to have a negative effect on your pregnancy. Whether you are at home or at work, when your blood pressure drops, lie down on the nearest sofa or on the floor if appropriate, raise your legs and let your complaints go away.
19. Week
A protective layer, which we call Vernix caseosa, began to form on the skin. This white, oily substance that you will see on it at birth will protect your baby's skin from constant contact and friction with the amniotic fluid for 9 months. Their arms and legs are now proportional to each other. His kidneys continue to produce urine, and his hair is starting to sprout on his scalp.
You may see some changes in your skin. This is due to excess estrogen. As your pigments increase, it is normal to have brown spots in some areas. These dark spots can be on your lips, cheeks and forehead, they are called chloasma or the "mask of pregnancy". In addition, this darkening; You can also see it on your nipples, external genitalia, thighs, armpits. It is also normal for a line to form from your belly button to your pubic bones. Heartburn may occur due to the pressure of the uterus on the stomach. To make more use of nutrients, the digestive system slows down and they stay in the gut longer for absorption. This causes constipation in the expectant mother. These changes occur as a result of pregnancy hormones and the mechanical effects of pregnancy.
20. Week
Your baby is now practicing for the digestive system by swallowing more frequently. The baby's first stool, which we call meconium, accumulates in the intestines. This dark green, sticky substance will form the first poop you will see in the baby's diaper after birth. Sometimes, the baby makes this stool in the womb, especially close to birth, and swallowing it can cause very serious problems after birth. Your baby's sleep-wake periods have begun to settle. He began to experience all stages of sleep like an adult.
Even if it is your first pregnancy, if you still cannot feel the baby movements, this is a situation that you should inform your doctor. The first movements are in the form of butterfly fluttering, then it will give itself to more specific and coordinated movements.
In this week, pregnant women are more energetic and active. They feel better. You can use an ergonomic seat or a backless stool to reduce your back pain. Do not stand for long! It will be helpful to put a small pillow on your waist while lying down. Sudden cramps in your leg can wake you up from your sleep. You can get rid of these cramps by stretching your legs straight, standing on your heels, flexing your toes, or walking for a few minutes. If it does not go away, he may contact your doctor and recommend a magnesium supplement.
From this week onwards, your baby's heart muscle starts to get stronger and pump blood more strongly. Since your baby's environment has relatively low oxygen compared to us, the blood has to circulate faster and the heart muscle has to work harder. For this reason, your baby's heart rate per minute in the womb varies between 120-160.
The intestines continue to develop, and a small amount of sugar is absorbed from the swallowed liquid. However, the nutrition of the baby is completely covered by the placenta. Until the 21st week, the baby's blood cells are produced by the baby's liver and spleen. (While the production in the liver stops a few weeks before delivery, the production from the spleen stops at the 30th week of pregnancy). The bone marrow, which will make all the blood cells in the future, started to form in the 21st week. You, too, are feeling your baby's kicks more and more every day.
Your baby movements started a week or two ago, and starting from this week, your baby's frequency of playing and the sensation of movements will increase. In this process, you may feel anxious from time to time that your baby is "playing less". What you need to know is that baby movements are inconsistent during these weeks. Movements will become more meaningful and more stable as your baby grows and brain tissue develops. In the later weeks of pregnancy, you will see that your baby responds to sounds, food and even your speech, and you will love this feeling. The increase in oil production on your skin may have brought along acne problems. If you are experiencing such a situation, you should pay attention to washing your face with a delicate soap or a cleanser twice a day. You should also make sure that the moisturizers and make-up materials you use for your skin are oil-free.
Now she's starting to take the shape of a miniature newborn baby, only her skin is very thin and full of wrinkles. Over time, these wrinkles will be filled by the subcutaneous fat tissue that has begun to form. The baby's movements have become more expressive. It responds to sounds with movement and distinguishes beautiful sounds. The development of the pancreas, which secretes some important hormones, continues in the abdomen.
You can talk to your baby and even sing songs to him. You can calm the baby more easily with the same sounds after birth. In male babies, the testicles begin to descend from the abdominal cavity. In girls, the uterus and ovaries are replaced, and the vagina is formed. Taste buds begin to form on the tongue. Brain and nerve endings have developed enough to feel touch. He can feel other parts of his body, see his movements
Sex hormones known as androgens; may cause hair growth on your cheeks, upper lip area, and chin. Rare hairs on your belly, arms, legs, and back can grow day by day. During pregnancy, your body's center of gravity is constantly changing, so your backbones have a hard time adjusting to it. You should determine the best posture where you can comfortably carry your stomach without hunching. The bones that make up your roof are now accelerating the preparation for childbirth as of this week. These preparatory work can come back to you as pain if you don't "treat" your lower back.
23. Week
Your baby is about 20 cm long and weighs 560 g. During these weeks, blood vessels in his lungs also develop rapidly to prepare for breathing, and his sensitivity to sounds increases day by day. So much so that it can distinguish non-mother sounds. Since the sounds that the baby hears in the mother's womb, along with the internal organ sounds of the mother, reach her by passing through the mother's body and amniotic fluid, she will look for this humming and peaceful voice when she is born. For this reason, the sound of the hair dryer, vacuum cleaner and car engine, which is very similar to this sound, will be your biggest helper in your sleepless nights when your baby is born.
Abdominal pain that cannot be attributed to any cause is common during pregnancy. In most cases, these pains are felt as short-term and stabbing, and there are no other abnormal symptoms. It is thought that these pains are caused by the stretching of the ligaments that hold the uterus in place, as described in one of the previous weeks. The uterus is growing rapidly, and the ligaments are stretched by the uterus as they grow more slowly. It is important to consult your doctor about this complaint, as you consult all your complaints. Other causes of pain will be reviewed, and pain will be described as such when the problem is not identified.
24. Week
Your baby's bone and muscle tissue continues to develop rapidly. This means that the movements will get stronger and stronger. The calcium you take with food is very important especially from these weeks of pregnancy. Your baby will never be without calcium, but the stores in your bones can gradually decrease if you don't get enough calcium. You can hear them shaking, although you may not feel the hiccups yet. Rapid eye movements begin. It still receives oxygen from the placenta. The inner ear, which maintains the balance of our body, is fully developed. Your baby, which developed in amniotic fluid throughout pregnancy, now looks like a miniature baby and can feel its own position in the womb.
This week is considered as a week where the babies are likely to survive under neonatal intensive care conditions, and if they are born in this week, the chance of survival will be 50% on average. However, it should be noted that 50% of them face the risk of severe and permanent discomfort and even disability in the future.
Your gums may bleed while brushing. Your belly button turns outward. Do not be afraid, all of these will return to their pre-pregnancy shape after birth. Usually odorless, yellow-white colored, normal vaginal discharge has increased. You may have lower back pain. In daily life, prefer low-heeled shoes. Flat shoes with no heels, such as high heels, can also strain your lower back. Do not forget to take daily walks.
25. Week
Your baby's teeth are growing this week. The sense of taste is developing. Her wrinkled skin is now smoothing out and a little more like a newborn baby with each passing day. Her hair is coming out now.
You may feel throbbing pains in your lower back and legs even when your uterus presses slightly on the nerves in your waist during the growth process.
Rest, change positions frequently, take a warm shower when pain occurs, or apply ice to the aching area. When your pain is very severe, you can use painkillers recommended by your doctor.
26. Week
This week is an important milestone for your baby's hearing and vision. With the inner ear and middle ear systems starting in the 18th week, the nerve connections are completed this week. In the next few weeks he will be much more sensitive to sounds. Within a month, you will feel yourself jumping when you hear a sudden noise. The uterus and the fluid in it transmit sounds very easily. The eyelids, which were united until now, are now opening to the world. His eyes are almost fully formed.
Amniotic fluid is abundant enough for the baby to move freely. It breathes in and expels small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is necessary for lung development. These movements, called breathing, are also useful exercises for the baby's birth, the first moment he/she breathes in air, and for continuing to gain weight. Although the lungs continue to develop, they are still not ready to function fully.
Do not be afraid if you feel sudden contractions and relaxations that occur from time to time in your uterus starting from these weeks. These are painless, menstrual cramp-like and irregular contractions called Braxton-Hicks contractions. Your uterus is training for real labor pains. Although such contractions begin to become evident after the 30th week in most expectant mothers, "training contractions" may begin in some expectant mothers during these weeks.
You can clearly distinguish the baby's hiccups, and those hiccups that will last for a few minutes may scare you, but don't worry. This does not mean that your baby is in distress, on the contrary, hiccups with diaphragmatic muscle spasm are a pleasing sign that your baby's musculoskeletal organization is developing. Its height is 37 cm and its weight is 1050 g. He sleeps and wakes up periodically, opens and closes his eyes, and maybe even sucks his fingers! With more brain cells forming, your baby's brain is now more active. His lungs are still not fully developed, so they are not functional. Although the liver, lungs and immune system continue to mature, births in these weeks have a very high chance of survival. Hearing is well developed. Your baby can distinguish between your and your partner's voice. However, since the ears are covered with vernix, they hear the sounds muffled.
During these weeks, you may experience urinary incontinence as a result of coughing, laughing and exercise due to the increased pressure on the bladder as a result of hormones and the growth of the baby. As the uterus gets closer to your rib cage, the diaphragm (the musculature that separates the abdominal cavity from the rib cage) will shift upwards, so you may have difficulty breathing especially deeply. This is a condition caused by your lungs not being able to fully inflate. As your pregnancy hormones increase your breathing rate per minute, your baby is provided with enough oxygen.
28. Week
Your baby is 40 cm long and weighs 1200 g. She can blink her eyes, thus moving her eyelashes. Deep sleep (dreaming sleep) waves can be detected in the brain (REM) and billions of nerve cells form and begin to gain weight to prepare itself for the outside world. Brain folds and indentations continue to develop.
Your baby's place is starting to narrow. Therefore, he will no longer be able to change positions with large movements very often. An important factor in ultrasound is the position of the baby. Babies move in all directions in a non-gravity environment as if they were swimming in a pool of water in the womb. Towards the last weeks, they now take their original position, close to birth. The baby's position during the ultrasound only represents its current state because babies move around so often. During these weeks, your baby may be in an upside down position on ultrasound. Babies are born with 96% head presentation at birth. Some 3% are born with breech presentations, while the remaining 1% are born with horizontal or other forehead and facial presentations. In these weeks, especially in the first pregnancies, we expect the position to be the head, but if not, do not worry. Most of them return to their normal position, even with the onset of labor pains.
29. Week
After this period, each passing day will increase your baby's chances of starting life stronger and healthier. Now his brain has rhythmically regulated his respiratory movements and is better able to control his body temperature. If your baby is born prematurely with each passing week, it will reduce the need for respiratory support.
Calcium deposition in bones continues to an increasing extent. Every day for the last three months, your baby's skeletal system stores about 250 milligrams of calcium. His muscles and lungs continue to develop. His head is getting bigger day by day to make room for the newly developing brain cells. A certain amount during this period to meet your baby's basic needs; You need to take protein, vitamin C, folic acid and iron.
The uterus continues to grow and press on the environment. Back and lower back pain increases. Never do exercises that will tire you if you are not used to it before. Walking, swimming or jogging are the best exercises for pregnancy. If you are used to exercising before, you can continue these exercises during pregnancy by following certain rules. When you lie on your back, you may feel dizzy due to the change in heartbeat and the drop in blood pressure due to the change in position, and you may feel dizzy when you stand up suddenly.
30. Week
Your baby is 42.5 cm tall and weighs 1550 g. There will be amniotic fluid around your baby, but the volume of this fluid will decrease as your baby grows and takes up more space in the womb. It can regulate body temperature. The head-to-body ratio is the same as in a normal newborn. Eyebrows, eyelashes and hair are close to normal. He opens his eyes. It continues to gain weight, the fat layer thickens. The most important development in your baby this week is related to the immune system prepared so far. It is no longer just under your protection, it has started to produce its own antibodies that fight germs. He will especially need antibodies passed from you by breastfeeding for up to 6 months postpartum.
Mild edema occurs in 40-70% of pregnant women. Especially in the last weeks of pregnancy and in hot weather, this edema increases even more. There may be an increase in constipation complaints. It is possible to obtain rough information about the baby's condition by counting baby movements. If the baby moves 10 times in a day during the 12-hour period in which the mother is awake, this is interpreted as positive. If the baby is not moving or is moving less, you should consult your doctor.
31 Week
Our baby's arms, legs, or rather, the whole body is getting chubby. Your baby in motion may not keep you up all night with his kicks and somersaults! Relax, all these movements are an indication that your baby is developing very well. You can feel the baby's movements an average of 10 times per hour. Although following the baby's movements is one of the most important indicators that the baby is well in the mother's womb, there is no specific number or calculation proven in the studies. As each baby's sleep-wake periods are different, the mobility situation is also different. You will know this best. You can know best when he sleeps, when he wakes up, what he likes, what he eats when he gets active. The important thing here is to feel that there is an anomaly. When you feel like this, first of all, if you are hungry, fill your stomach and eat something sweet. Lie on your left side and rest. If it still does not move, try to wake it up by touching it with your hand, if it still does not move, you should call your doctor.
A little milk may have started to come out of your breasts. If this is the case, you can use protective chest straps to protect your clothes. If the bras you normally wear are bothering you now, you can get nursing bras. Try to get one size bigger because you will need it in the future.
32. Week
This week, your baby has toenails, fingernails and real hair. As she prepares herself for childbirth, her skin becomes soft and smooth. He opens and closes his eyes and makes breathing movements. His hair has extended to the forehead border, and the increase in fat and muscle tissue has accelerated. Brain development continues rapidly. The baby sleeps and moves, showing these with different movements.
After the 32nd week, your legal maternity leave starts. After this week, your doctor checks should be done every 2 weeks. This continues until the last month of pregnancy. With the effect of pregnancy hormones, the hip joints relax. Depending on this, the gait may change and your side pains will increase accordingly. But don't confuse your low back pain with your preterm labor pains!
Your baby now begins to assume the head-down position, as we expected at birth. In the next 6 weeks, it will travel down the birth canal and press on the cervix. Babies take a certain position during these weeks as their place is narrowed. Head down, arms folded in front, legs folded, they try to use the least volume. This position will both prevent compression of the umbilical cord and facilitate entry into the birth canal. The skeletal structure is now starting to form, that is, the bones are getting harder. The bones in the skull are not yet fully fused. This is also normal because it will allow your baby to pass easily through the birth canal. These bones do not fully fuse and harden until early adulthood. Thus, it allows the development of brain cells. His lungs are almost mature. Now your baby can breathe on his own: A substance called Surfactant secreted from the lungs (alveoli) begins to increase, and with the increase of these substances, the baby has a chance to live without respiratory distress in the external environment.
34. Week
The fat layers that will regulate the body temperature when born with this week will make the baby gain weight. If you have any concerns about preterm labor, know that babies born between 34-37 weeks and who do not have any health problems do not face any negative situations. They may stay in the neonatal unit for a certain period of time and may have short-term health problems. But in the long run, they're just as healthy as 9-month-old babies. Since the lungs of the baby are well developed during this period, if a birth occurs during this period, the probability of surviving outside the uterus is high.
35. Week
Your baby's basic physical structure is almost completely formed. He will use the remaining weeks to gain weight. Weight gain, especially fat storage, increases at the level of the shoulders. The baby is in the period of placement in the birth canal within the pelvis. Your baby's head can be easily felt in the lower abdomen. All systems of the baby are almost completely mature. Gradually, it makes the strong hits closer to birth feel more. The nervous system continues to mature.
You are now in a period when you need to see your doctor more often. You need to make serious planning for your birth. You should discuss with your doctor and your family your expectations about the birth, where and how you want to give birth, and where you want to stay after birth. Birth does not usually occur at a planned time. The plans you make are often not entirely correct, but it is also useful to learn about your options.
36. Week
The fine hair covering your baby's entire body and the white creamy substance on it that we call "vernix caseosa" has started to fall out completely. Along with the amniotic fluid, your baby swallows these substances, i.e. shed hair, shed dead skin cells and other bodily secretions, along with urine. This liquid has helped the development of the respiratory system by washing the respiratory system, and has played a role in the maturation of the gastrointestinal tract by passing through the digestive system. These ingested substances will form the first green, black, viscous poop, which we call "meconium", and this stool will be removed in the first 24 hours after birth.
The baby gradually enters the birth canal, the head becomes tapered and deformed. His head bones overlap, trying to adapt to the birth canal. This shape change in the head increases even more during birth and returns to normal within 1-2 days after birth.
As of this week, the baby's head enters the pelvic cavity, and the complaints of heartburn, digestive and respiratory difficulties decrease. You may want to urinate more often when your bladder is under pressure. During these weeks, you may feel a emptiness and relief in the upper part of your abdomen. This indicates that your baby is descending into the birth canal and is called engagement. Since the head in your stomach will disappear, your appetite can be reopened. Similarly, there will be no pressure on your lungs, making it easier to breathe. Your frequency of urination will increase after engagement, just as it was at the beginning of your pregnancy. Your baby's movements can be easily monitored from the outside. From time to time, you may suddenly notice a bump in one area of your abdomen. Your baby's movements can hurt you, especially under your rib cage.
37. Week
Your baby is over 46 cm and weighs 3kg. In other words, he looks like a developed, completely healthy baby! Even now, if you give birth, your baby has a high probability of being born healthy and will easily adapt to the outside world.
Real pains should not be confused with fake pains. The differences between the two are as follows. In real labor, contractions are at regular intervals, the time between contractions becomes shorter and the intensity of contractions increases, the pain is in the back and abdomen, after the contractions, the cervix opens (Dilatation) and thins (Ephasman) to allow the baby's head to pass. In false contractions, the contractions are at irregular intervals, the time between contractions is long and the intensity does not change, the pains are usually in the groin and the cervix is not different. Real pain does not go away with rest. Its severity also increases over time. You can feel the contractions easily when you touch your stomach. If your contractions are in a regular pattern and do not go away with rest, it is time to go to the hospital.
38. Week
Your baby's grasping reflex is fully developed. Lanuga hairs are greatly reduced. As the sucking and swallowing reflexes have developed, the accumulation of wastes in the intestines has increased. When you hold your baby's hand for the first time, you'll see how tight his fists are! Their organs have developed and are now ready for the outside world. Have you ever noticed your baby hiccuping? Since there is no air during breathing exercises, amniotic fluid escapes into the trachea and your baby hiccups. Your baby's nerve tissue is quite mature, but the formation of the myelin sheath that surrounds the nerve cells has just begun and will be completed in the first 2 years.
Your doctor may suggest you do a vaginal exam this week. In this examination, it is evaluated whether the birth canal is suitable for vaginal delivery. There should be no incompatibility between your baby's head diameter entering the birth canal and your bone structure.
39. Week
Your baby continues to store fat in order to maintain body temperature after birth. Fat cells are important to keep the temperature stable in the first weeks.
Although the mechanisms of initiation of labor are still not fully elucidated, it is thought that the baby undertakes the main task in this regard. It transmits your baby I'm ready warning to the mother with various chemicals and starts the birth. Birth is a process that requires patience. Although the duration may differ in the first and other births, it will be different in every mother-to-be.
Indicators of the onset of labor can be counted as regular and severe contractions, bursting of the water bladder, and engagement. These do not follow the same order in every woman, or it could be one without the other. The important thing is the need to reach the hospital when any of these happen.
Week 40
At 40 weeks, your baby is ready for birth. Its skin is a pink-red color. As the moment of birth begins, the cervix begins to open gradually. When this opening reaches approximately 10 cm, the first stage of labor is completed. After that, the baby will have completed the 41st week with the time spent in the mother's womb. When it is decided to have a normal delivery in İzmir, pregnant women who do not deliver can wait for 10 more days, provided that the baby is shown to be fine by ultrasound and NST. If there is no birth at the end of this period, artificial pain is tried first. If artificial pain also fails, the baby is delivered by cesarean section. You won't have to wait any longer to hold your little baby in your arms.
İzmir Week by Week Pregnancy Tracking
We are with you week by week at birth (Izmir week by week pregnancy follow-up). We assist expectant mothers with systematic examinations in our clinic. It is our greatest happiness to follow the growing babies every week.