Birth Journey

This embryo, which is now a new individual, carries its own unique copy of the genetic characteristics it received from its ancestors. Our unique and unique features such as gender, skin color, eye color, fingerprint are coded and determined during this fertilization. Knowing that we will create a new life and bringing it into the world introduces us to many new emotions and excitements. No matter how many children we have, this experience is unique to you and your baby.

The birth of this baby will be once and will not happen again.

As your pregnancy progresses, you'll find that a whole new set of emotions, worries, doubts, questions, and decisions are coming our way that we've never had to think about before. While our mind and body are preparing for birth; we should not have fears and reservations Birth is a physiological event. It is a normal function of the body. Like every physiological event, sometimes pathological events can occur in this body function. In other words, there may be a disease or an obstacle that disrupts that functioning. But the existence of this possibility does not make birth itself a disease to be treated. The woman giving birth is pregnant, not sick. There are only two people who need to be there in order to give birth: the mother and the baby. It is not called birth unless one of the two has already happened. Those of us at birth have only one task, to support the mother and to help if distress arises.

The birth takes place when the uterus pushes out the baby that it has grown in 9 months as a result of rhythmic contractions. These contractions are called 'birth pangs'. During these contractions, there is a feeling of pressure and some pain as the uterus hardens and pushes the baby towards the birth path. However, this pain is never unbearable in an uneventful delivery. Because, just as we have the hormone oxytocin to contract the uterus, the hormone endorphin is secreted to relieve the pain. Uterine activity called pain is not something that is constant. A contraction starts off mildly, gradually gets stronger, and ends with a decrease. This takes a maximum of 1 minute. Then, under the influence of morphine, there is a rest period of about 2-3 minutes, which suppresses sleep and warmth in the mother. In order for endorphins to be secreted, the environment must be peaceful, calm, quiet and dim. The mother needs to feel safe and supported.

In addition, she must believe that she will give birth, and think that everything will go well. However, the moment we say Birth, fear begins. We've been hearing scary birth stories since we were young girls. Pregnancy is always associated with complications. It is impossible not to be afraid. Nobody talks about their beautiful birth memories.

For this reason, most of the pregnant women either openly prefer cesarean section or deceive themselves by saying "I want a normal birth"; because they want a normal birth only if they will not experience the negative consequences. They are waiting for the doctor to guarantee this, too. Then they think that they are prevented from getting what they want because their wishes do not match with reality.

Our pregnant women should be conscious, the preparation for birth should be done by the professional education and their social environment, and then they should be able to reach the conditions where they can give birth without disturbing their physiological functioning and where their preferences are respected as much as their obstetric assistance is at the highest level.

There is no one ideal birth method for everyone, nor is there a definitive solution for every situation. “Birth is a physiological event. Like every physiological event, sometimes pathological events can occur in this body function. In other words, there may be a disease or an obstacle that disrupts that functioning,” we said. That's where medicine comes into play. In such a case, the medical doctor, the obstetrician, intervenes and delivers your baby with drugs (by giving artificial pain) or mechanical support (with vacuum, pulling the baby with forceps) or by performing a cesarean section (surgery). This is BREWING.
Every woman and every doctor has different experiences, different perspectives and risk preferences. It is necessary to work together with mutual trust for the healthiest result. I was born; I see it as a journey that is a transitional phase in terms of joining a new individual to the family and society, and for a woman to become a mother. The birth of the baby from the womb is also a journey. But what I want to tell here is exactly a woman's journey to become a mother. When the birth process (if there is no problem in this process) works as nature predicts for the woman, the motives and emotions required for motherhood begin by themselves. A great love develops between mother and baby at the end of this process. Thanks to this love, the hormones make the woman a mother. The maternal feelings necessary to nurture, protect and raise her baby begin. Thus, a healthy and correct attachment process is a starting point for raising strong, self-confident generations.
