Deciding to Have a Baby

The health and well-being of the woman both during and before pregnancy is of vital importance in terms of determining the health of the baby to be born throughout her life. The fact that human chromosomes are not only inherited from the mother puts the health of men of reproductive age in a very important position. Your lifestyle, health, and dietary habits should all be reviewed. Before going to the doctor, as parents-to-be, you have important decisions to make alone. These decisions taken by sharing will increase your happiness one more time and will enable you to overcome problems more easily.

Contrary to popular belief, the most important milestones of human development occur not during birth, but within the first 8 weeks following fertilization. In other words, the miracle of formation begins much earlier, not at birth, with the first breath. Birth; that is, no known physical features and functions occur during the baby's exit from the mother's body. The baby is already ready to live in the outside world weeks ago. Most body parts and all organ systems were formed within the first 8 weeks and even started to function. Major parts of the body, such as the head, chest, abdomen, arms, and legs, were completed at 4 weeks post-fertilization, and at 8 weeks most body structures had formed, taking on a human appearance, similar to a newborn baby, except for its tiny size. Studies show that women's pregnancy and pre-pregnancy health, nutrition, lifestyle choices; The growth of the baby in the mother's womb, body measurements, weight, birth weight and even determine whether he will be born prematurely. More interestingly, the same factors influence health and cognitive capacity throughout his entire life. Risks such as heart disease, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, learning and behavioral disorders, autism and hyperactivity in the baby's adult age are also associated with these factors. Although these studies have yet to yield results of 20-30 years, the results are striking.

Quit smoking. Because women who smoke are more likely to experience infertility, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth and low birth weight babies. The success of the babies of smoking mothers in school age and later in life is also negatively affected. Father-to-be should also quit smoking. Smoking can impair sperm quality and cause abnormalities in DNA structure. You may also be as harmed by your partner's passive smoking as by their direct smoking. It turned out that passive smoking has very important effects today. If you are taking medications for a long time, you should consult your doctor. In the months when you are considering pregnancy, you should pay attention to films such as tomography and stomach film in the second half of the menstrual period. Stay away from alcohol. If you have an alcohol habit, you should stop this habit. Taking folic acid supplements before and during pregnancy reduces the possibility of nervous system diseases called NTD neural tube defects (spina bifida) in babies to be born. These diseases occur within 4 weeks of fertilization, and most women are not even aware that they are pregnant during this period. Therefore, all women of reproductive age should take folic acid supplementation to prevent this disease. A daily intake of 30 mg of elemental iron from the diet is recommended for the prophylaxis of iron deficiency in women at low risk for nutritional deficiencies. Pregnant women who do not have natural or vaccine immunity during pregnancy preparation; should be vaccinated against rubella (rubella). Because a rubella infection in the first half of pregnancy causes serious disabilities and anomalies in the fetus. In addition, some risky mothers should be vaccinated against diseases such as hepatitis B and its virus, tetonosis and flu. Although tetanus, hepatitis B and flu vaccines can be given during pregnancy, other vaccines should not be given. Missing vaccinations should be completed before pregnancy.

Pregnancy is not only a period in which the whole body of the baby is formed and grown, but also a process in which the postnatal survival equipment is gained to this tiny baby. There is no positive factor that can replace a balanced diet and active life in any period of life, including the mother's womb. Especially since the period in the mother's womb constitutes the first and most important step of development, the expectant mother, who pays attention to her health and these harmful substances during pregnancy, gives birth to her child by preparing a healthy ground for him throughout his whole life. This baby has a solid foundation and this is perhaps the most important thing we can do for Them.

 We can contribute to everything going the way we want by providing careful care for the mother and her baby. At the same time, raising this awareness in all segments of society is the most important starting point in terms of public health. The first step should be to raise awareness of how a harmful substance that the expectant mother will be exposed to during pregnancy can negatively affect the whole life of the baby in the mother's womb. With such an approach, we can prevent birth defects and learning difficulties, which can have severe social and individual consequences, to a certain extent.
