Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

We call the losses before the 20th week of pregnancy abortion, and the loss of more than two pregnancy (in our scientific publications, we actually use 3, but in practice we use two) recurrent abortions.

We almost never investigate first pregnancy losses because 70% of this is due to an anomaly related to the baby and these babies are eliminated because they are unhealthy. If there are two losses, we investigate, but mostly we do not find a valid reason. Coagulation system disorders sometimes occur. We also provide treatment for it. Even if we do not find a problem and do not give treatment, the majority of these patients become pregnant and take home a healthy baby. We just support them.

Yes, it is a very difficult process, believe me, we come across a lot and it is difficult to give this bad news, but without turning this situation into pessimism, there is no obstacle for you to get pregnant after the necessary tests are done immediately after the miscarriage.
