I Want To Get Pregnant

How long does it take to get pregnant?

In general, the duration of conception in every woman is indefinite, and no one can give you such a date. Because it all depends on chance and probability. In a healthy couple, the rate of getting pregnant and taking a healthy baby home is between 12-15%, even in a sexual intercourse coincided with the time of ovulation. While the rate of couples who are able to achieve pregnancy in the first month is around 15%, this probability increases to 50% in the 3rd month, 80% in the 6th month and 85% at the end of one year. At the end of one year, an average of 15 out of 100 couples do not conceive, and further investigations are required to see if there is a fertility problem in these couples. So when you decide to conceive, when you plan to have a child, you need to be patient. If you are under the age of 35 for 12 months, and if you are over the age of 35 for 6 months, if you have not been able to conceive after trying, you should consult a doctor.

If pregnancy cannot be achieved despite 12 months of unprotected intercourse, it is absolutely necessary to consult a specialist. This period is 6 months for women over the age of 35 or who have problems such as concomitant menstrual irregularity, previous infection, and surgery. Especially in our country, since women do not have the habit of routine examination, they usually apply to a gynecologist only during births. In this case, problems that may prevent conception may be overlooked, or if pregnancy is conceived before the problems that may cause problems during pregnancy are understood, a high-risk pregnancy may threaten the life of the mother and the baby. Therefore, regular examination is very important for all women.

Your ovulation period, that is, the period when you are most likely to get pregnant, is an average of 4-5 days in a month. When ovulation occurs, the egg cell only stays alive for 24 hours. In this 24-hour cycle, the sperm and egg must meet. Since the sperm cell remains alive for up to 72 hours, it can wait for the egg cell in the woman's tubes. After calculating this period, some experts may recommend having intercourse every other day during this period, while others may recommend having intercourse every other day or 3 days apart. The important thing is to make at least one sexual intercourse coincide with this 4-5 day period.

Does not getting up immediately after sexual intercourse and lying down for a while increase my chances of getting pregnant?

It is believed that not standing up immediately after sexual intercourse, but lying on your back for a while and even putting a pillow under your hips increases the chance of conception. The reason for this is the anxiety caused by the reflux of a large part of the semen by standing up immediately.

There is no scientific research that proves that sleeping on your back for a while after sexual intercourse increases the probability of getting pregnant. After ejaculation, a very large part of millions of sperm will remain alive by clinging to the cervical secretions.

Moving with their tails, this large number of sperm will ejaculate and, after coming into contact with the vaginal secretion, will be advanced towards the uterus by a multitude of molecular mechanisms.

Which sexual position increases my chances of conceiving? Does having an orgasm have any effect?

There are no scientifically proven positions that increase the likelihood of conception. And neither position is superior to the other. The reason for this is that the vagina lies on the bladder in a horizontal-inclined direction, not vertically, which can be affected by gravity, and the sperms move with their tails by holding on in the cervical secretion. Likewise, the fact that a woman has an orgasm has no proven accuracy with scientific research. Nor is the female orgasm necessary for conception. Another interesting point is that without sex, such uterine contractions occur spontaneously in women during the ovulation period.

The only scientifically proven, single most important factor that increases your chances of conceiving is to have intercourse at the appropriate time, that is, by calculating your ovulation time. And the ideal women's health checkup starts with young girls seeing a gynecologist at least once before they get married (as there is no relationship yet, only abdominal ultrasound is used for young girls.) Afterwards, if the couple gets married, it can be immediately understood whether there is a problem preventing pregnancy and the couple's family planning consultancy. When it is decided to become pregnant in a protected couple, pre-pregnancy examination is very important for public health.
